3–5 Apr 2019
Europe/Bucharest timezone

Organising committee : Constantin Mihai (IFIN-HH), Caterina Michelagnoli (ILL)

Exotic structure and dynamics in neutron-rich A~100 nuclei

Not scheduled


Prof. Alexandrina Petrovici (IFIN-HH)


Neutron-rich A∼100 nuclei relevant for the astrophysical r-process and nuclear reactor
related issues manifest sudden variations of particular nuclear properties in some isotopic
chains, a more smooth transition in some others, and exotic shape isomers induced by triple shape
coexistence in some nuclei. Our recent investigations represent an attempt to a comprehensive
understanding of shape coexistence phenomena suggested by the experimental data at low spins
and the richness of various structural effects at intermediate spins within the beyond-mean-field
complex Excited Vampir variational model with symmetry projection before variation using a
realistic effective interaction obtained from a nuclear matter G-matrix based on the charge-
dependent Bonn CD potential and a large model space.
Results will be presented concerning effects of shape coexistence and mixing on structure and
electromagnetic properties as well as b--decay properties around the neutron number N=58.

Primary author

Prof. Alexandrina Petrovici (IFIN-HH)

Presentation materials

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