Thermodynamics and energetics of soft matter systems

ILL4/rdc-1 - Amphi Chadwick (ILL4)

ILL4/rdc-1 - Amphi Chadwick


Institut Max von Laue - Paul Langevin (ILL) 71, avenue des Martyrs Grenoble - France

Soft matter pervades into daily life under several forms: biological matter, foams, food products, ink, tires, and many others. In contrast to their very different appearance, all these systems are governed by the same, fundamental physical laws. Aim of the school is providing an overview of the forces governing the behavior of soft matter systems and introducing the most relevant techniques to probe such interactions.
The school proposes frontal lectures for doctoral students working in the field of soft matter given by recognized experts from all over Europe. Poster sessions will be opened for discussion on research topic and experimental results between students and invited lecturers.


Pre-registration is necessary because of the limited number of places in the school.
A short description of research activity and a CV should be sent to
The organising committee will examine your application and inform you in April 2018.