3–5 Apr 2019
Europe/Bucharest timezone

Organising committee : Constantin Mihai (IFIN-HH), Caterina Michelagnoli (ILL)

Neutron and proton inelastic scattering: cross section measurements

Not scheduled
Contributed talk


Adina Olacel (Horia Hulubei National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering)


Neutron and proton inelastic cross section measurements were performed at the GELINA neutron source of EC-JRC, Geel, Belgium and at the 9 MV Tandem accelerator of IFIN-HH, Magurele, Romania. The talk will explain the practical importance of these cross sections, will describe the experimental setup and will emphasize the quality of the results.

Primary author

Adina Olacel (Horia Hulubei National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering)

Presentation materials

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