2–4 Nov 2022
ILL Chadwick Amphitheatre
Europe/Paris timezone

Introduction by the ISABEL coordinators of the Relations with EU Research Infrastructures

2 Nov 2022, 14:10
ILL4 (ILL Chadwick Amphitheatre)


ILL Chadwick Amphitheatre

Institut Laue-Langevin 71 Avenue des Martyrs, CS 20156 38042 Grenoble Cede 9 France
Oral Introduction Welcome


Dr Geert Rikken (LNCMI — Laboratoire National des Champs Magnétiques Intenses)


Over the last two decades, a number of large-scale infrastructures, such as photon and neutron sources, have realised the importance of high magnetic fields in conjunction with their beamlines. Consequently, high magnetic field installations that go beyond what is commercially available have been developed and operated, for example, on the ILL, ESRF, LULI or PSI beamlines. This mode of operation opens new scientific opportunities, but necessitates combined efforts and close collaboration between the sources and the high-field facilities.

The objective of the Work Package 6 of the ISABEL project is to address the scientific, technical and organisational aspects of combined high-field-advanced-source experiments in Europe.

Here, it is important to intensify the contact between the different user groups and facilities to allow the necessary exchange on the scientific potential and technical/organisational constraints. Thereby, not only the high-field expertise of the EMFL facilities can be utilised in designing the best possible magnet stations at advanced sources, but also new research topics together with new users can be developed.

Presentation materials