Dec 12 – 15, 2023
Europe/Paris timezone



The workshop will be hosted by the Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL) located on the European Photon and Neutron (EPN) campus in Grenoble, France.

Accessing Campus and Guesthouse

The ILL and the Guesthouse are located on the EPN campus within walking distance from each other.

To enter the campus participants have to register at the site entrance. They receive a badge granting access to the campus. The entrance is open 24h/24h and 7d/7d.

Depending on your arrival time, you may find the keys to your guesthouse rooms also at the site entrance.

Accessing ILL and the Lecture Hall

The Chadwick lecture hall is located on the ground floor in the main building of the ILL, the ILL4, within the reinforced security area, the ZAC (Zone à Accès Contrôlé). It can be accessed through turnstiles. To have access to the ZAC, you have to first register at the ZAC entrance (Welcome Desk) in the building ILL50. Your entrance badge will be coded with a 4 digit code to be used when entering through a turnstile. To enter the ZAC you have to present your badge at the turnstile and type the code. When leaving, presenting the bagde is sufficient and no code is needed.

Please note that the ZAC entrance (ILL50) is only open from Monday to Friday from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.