4–6 Jul 2023
Europe/Paris timezone

HNT/Biopolymers composite materials as a new green alternative for cultural heritage

Not scheduled
Entrance Hall (ILL4)

Entrance Hall



Maria Rita Caruso (University of Palermo)


Synthetic polymers and solvents are dangerous for human health and the environment; therefore, nowadays scientific community highlights the use of reversible and non-toxic materials for green chemistry. Biopolymers, such as Chitosan, Pectin, Hydroxypropyl cellulose, and Keratin, are one of the alternative materials to be applied as non-toxic systems, low-cost, sustainable, and environmentally friendly, besides many physic-chemical characteristics. The addition of nanomaterials, (HNT), essential oil, and active molecules improves the physic-chemical properties of biopolymers and proposes smart response abilities to the new composite material in the field of cultural heritage. Two different treatments are presented: a new protective coating for stone artwork with biopolymers, pectin, and chitosan, filled with halloysite/wax microspheres to prevent the surface aging process of artwork [1]; a new consolidation and UV-protection coating for wool thread for cultural heritage consisting of halloysite /Keratin dispersion. The physic-chemical properties of composite materials were investigated by water Contact Angle experiments, Uv-Vis Spectroscopy, and Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) for protecting treatments; Colorimetry analysis, consolidation % effect, Optical Microscope and Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) for consolidation treatments of wool thread. The proposed formulations are environmentally friendly and a good strategy for a consolidation and protective layer of artwork in the field of cultural heritage.

Primary author

Maria Rita Caruso (University of Palermo)


Dr Giuseppe Cavallaro (University of Palermo) Prof. Giuseppe Lazzara (University of Palermo) Prof. Stefana Milioto (University of Palermo)

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