4–7 Sept 2018
Institut Laue-Langevin
Europe/Paris timezone

Robust transparent protective hard-coating using physicochemically-incorporated silica nanoparticles and organosiloxanes

Not scheduled
Institut Laue-Langevin

Institut Laue-Langevin

71 Avenue des Martyrs, 38020 Grenoble


Dr Dong Jun Kang (Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute (KERI))


We report on the synthesis of a silica nanoparticle (NP)-reinforced oligosiloxane nanohybrid mate-rial (SM-nanocomposite) and demonstrate its properties as a robust transparent hard coating material for various applications. The oligosiloxane (MMO) resin as a matrix was synthesized using methyl andmethacryl silanes via a hydrolytic sol-gel condensation. The silica NPs with various sizes (12, 20 and 60 nm) as nanofillers were also synthesized through a hydrolytic sol-gel condensation, and the surface of NPs was organically modified with methyl and methacryl functions, which allowed stable dispersion and chemical cross-linking of the NPs with MMO matrix. In this work, we introduce synthetic steps ofthe nanocomposite and discuss the optical, morphological, thermal and mechanical properties of thecomposite.

Preferred topic Industrial applications

Primary authors

Dr Hyeon-Gyun Im (Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute (KERI)) Dr Dong Jun Kang (Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute (KERI))

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