Jun 4 – 11, 2024
Europe/Paris timezone



The series of "Bombannes"-schools proposes advanced training for students and young post-graduates to experienced post-docs by recognized soft-matter experts from all over Europe.The school is devoted to a practical approach to neutron, X-ray, and light scattering experiments involving theoretical principles, mathematical transformation back to real space and structural model calculation of the scattering.It is aimed at young soft matter scientists (using scattering methods in their home laboratory or at large-scale facilities) who have already some background in this domain and want to learn complementary techniques and to exchange their experience.The primary objective is to explain current methodology of static and dynamic scattering techniques (avoiding both under and over-exploitation of data) rather than a general course on colloids and polymers.Basic information on data interpretation, on the complementary properties of the different types of radiation, as well as information on recent applications and developments will be presented.The planned activities will ensure permanent contact between lecturers and students and will guarantee that all participants stay the whole week together. The students will present their current project or problem in a compulsory short oral presentation followed by a discussion.