23–26 Apr 2024
Europe/Paris timezone
Registrations after 31 March : the visit to ILL instruments on 23 April is no longer guaranteed, due to the time required for the administrative enquiry (for access to the controlled zone)


With its remarkable Alpine setting, Grenoble is a centre of scientific activity of the first rank, drawing enormous potential from the fact that it is home to a number of international and national institutes and laboratories. 

Hosting about 6000 guest scientists per year, the EPN campus (ESRF - EMBL - IBS - ILL) provides an exceptional setting for collaboration and research endeavours.



Le Ciel Rooftop - Our diner venue

Located on the roof terrace of a re-built residence, is a brasserie offering simple, comforting and seasonal cuisine - ideal for enjoying one of the most beautiful views over the city… and admiring the comings and goings of the famous cable car bubbles.

15 rue Maurice Gignoux 38000 – GOOGLE MAPS

🚌 Bus flexo 40 : arrêt veyret

🎉 8 mn walking from downtown

⚓ 5 mn walking from the river side - quai Perrière

🅿️ Parking 

How to come to the EPN campus

Simply click on  Travelling to the EPN campus, and select your preferred means of transport!

🗺️  EPN Campus    
71, avenue des Martyrs    
38000 Grenoble | France

Tourist information

The Office du Tourisme is at 14, rue de la République, Grenoble    
Telephone: +33 (0)4 76 42 41 41, fax: +33 (0)4 76 00 18 98, email: welcome(at)grenoble-isere.info