Dec 10 – 11, 2024
Minatec Congress Centre, Grenoble
Europe/Paris timezone
Early bird registration until 14 October - Registration deadline 9 November


Tuesday  10 December

12:00REGISTRATION - LUNCH BREAK (poster sessions)
14:10ILL update - Endurance (K. Andersen, ILL)
14:40ESS update - facility commissioning (H. Schober, ESS)
15:10Science Highlight : Energy / Climate (I. Manke, HZB)
15:40Science Highlight : Quantum materials (L. Clarke, U. of Birmingham)
16:10COFFEE BREAK (ILL and ESS facility poster session)
16:40Facilities support for users : Hard Matter (E. Lelievre-Berna, C. Curfs,) Soft Matter (F. Gabel, M. Hartl), Data treatment (S. Rols, T. HolmRod)
17:40Science Highlight: Health  (H. Wacklin Knecht, ESS)


Wednesday 11 December

09:00Science Highlight : Nuclear and particle physics (J. Billard, IP21 Lyon)
09:30ILL science strategy (J. Jestin, ILL)
09:50ESS first science (G. Fragneto, ESS)
10:10COFFEE BREAK (ILL and ESS facility poster session)
10:40User community strategy (A. Schneidewind, ENSA)
11:00Neutron landscape in Europe (M. Müller, LENS)
11:20Q&A round table: associations, facilities
12:20Conclusions and Way Forward
12:30Closing remarks and Farewell
12:45End of meeting