18–19 Jul 2024
Europe/Paris timezone

John White – an Inspirational Life

18 Jul 2024, 15:00



Andrew Taylor (Science and Technology Facilities Council UK)


Throughout John White’s long career, he provided inspirational leadership in the UK, Europe and in his native Australia, expanding the frontiers of Neutron Scattering from its traditional physics focus to address wider problems in chemistry and soft matter science.

As Director of ILL, he successfully led the instrument renewal programme – the ‘deuxieme souffle’ – expanding the use of cold neutrons. On his return to Australia, he promoted strong engagement with the ISIS facility in the United Kingdom through Australian development of the SURF reflectometer.

He was active in fostering collaboration in the Pacific region, particularly in Japan through his long-term chairmanship of the International Advisory Committee of J-PARC – Japan’s multidisciplinary accelerator-based research facility.

His career was marked by developing and inspiring successive generations of research leaders, whose impact continues to be felt far and wide.

Primary author

Andrew Taylor (Science and Technology Facilities Council UK)

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