18–19 Jul 2024
Europe/Paris timezone

Interfacial Structure Development in Soft Matter Systems

18 Jul 2024, 16:30



Stephen Holt (Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation)


I joined John’s group at the Research School of Chemistry (RSC), Australian National University, Canberra in the mid 1990’s. Here I was quickly introduced to x-ray scattering from interfaces followed by the application of neutron scattering to the same systems. Australia’s first X-ray Reflectometer capable of studying free liquid surfaces had been built using the Elliott GX-13 fine focus rotating anode source in Prof. White’s laboratory. This became an important resource and stepping stone to synchrotron and neutron studies of interfacial structure for many Australian researchers. This was a common theme of John’s work, that of training and providing opportunity for researchers at any stage of their career. This presentation will follow the progression from the study of surfactant self assembly / templating at interfaces, biomolecules at interfaces and the development of model cell membranes with x-ray and neutron scattering as the undergirding techniques.

Primary author

Stephen Holt (Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation)

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