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5–7 Nov 2024
Europe/Paris timezone
If you have been pre-selected but have not yet registered, please contact us

The next edition of the MDanse School will take place in Grenoble, France from November, 5th to November, 7th 2024.

This three-day event covers both the theoretical and practical aspects of calculating the dynamical and vibrational properties of materials.

It includes density functional theory (DFT), lattice dynamics, and classical molecular dynamics (MD) approaches to generate realistic simulated data, such as inelastic and quasi-elastic neutron scattering spectra. This session will also introduce the basics of magnetism and the simulation of magnons.

Through hands-on tutorials, the school will demonstrate how widely available simulation tools can be applied to interpret neutron scattering data, focusing especially on INS and QENS experiments. The main emphasis is on the practical aspects of running and analyzing simulations so that numerical and experimental data can be directly compared and simulations can then be investigated in atomic detail.

The target audience includes neutron scientists with a solid computational background and computational scientists interested in conducting neutron experiments. Attendees will learn how to use existing computational tools to calculate the measured signal from an initial structure to the neutron scattering intensity, thus bridging the gap between experiment and simulation. Some previous knowledge of electronic-structure calculations and/or force-field-based simulations is expected.  

This school offers ample opportunities for collaboration and networking among neutron scientists, instrument simulators, and computational chemists. We particularly encourage early career researchers to apply, offering them exposure in this emerging scientific field within a very friendly and supportive environment.

Designed to provide hands-on practical training, the school can accommodate only 30 participants. To select candidates, we ask applicants to briefly state their scientific fields of interest, their reasons for wanting to attend the school, and their prior experience with computer simulations.

ILL4/ Rooms 121 & 158
71 avenue des Martyrs, 38000 Grenoble