Kick-off for the nEDMSF project
A large transatlantic collaboration has recently submitted a beam time proposal to ILL with the aim to test fundamental technologies required for a future cryogenic neutron EDM experiment. A large part of the experimental equipment is based on the former SNS EDM ; the tests are foreseen to be carried out at the PF1b cold neutron facility of the ILL from 2027 on. The name of the new collaboration and the according project is nEDMSF, referring to the neutron EDM and the idea to use SuperFluid 4He for producing ultra cold neutrons. The abstract of the submitted beam time proposal can be found here.
We want to bring interested and involved scientists together to trigger the discussion on organizational and technical details towards the realization of the nEDMSF project. The focus will be on this first test experiments: defining hardware requirements, timetables and milestones. We will also discuss the overall organization and plans of the collaboration.
The meeting will take place as in-person meeting December 9 (all day) until December 10 (morning) and will be combined with remote participation via zoom. All organizational details can be found under the corresponding menu points.
For connecting virtually to the meeting please follow the zoom link: