This PSB Spotlight will comprise of half a day of lectures (in the IBS seminar room) on the different neutron techniques available at the Institut Laue-Langevin which are useful for biology. Lectures will cover small-angle scattering (SANS), reflectometry, crystallography, inelastic scattering, and deuteration. A special focus will be on the complementary information that neutrons provide with respect to other techniques, including X-rays, Cryo-EM and NMR, as well as on the practical requirements on the sample state for the different neutron techniques.

To ease organisation, if you wish to attend the meeting please enter your name online at the following GOOGLE DOC (click through to link) 


If you do not have access to the EPN campus, please contact us at


Organising Committee : Frank Gabel, Florent Bernaudat, Emily Ryan
