LENS Executive Board & General Assembly



Institut Laue-Langevin 71 avenue des Martyrs CS 20156 38042 GRENOBLE Cedex 9

The next LENS meetings will gather its Executive Board members on Tuesday 22 October while its General Assembly will take place on Wednesday 23 October, at the Institut Laue Langevin in Grenoble, France.

The LENS Executive Board consists of representatives from the nine member facilities, together with the Working Group leaders from the five working groups. The General Assembly is composed of the members’ facility directors (or equivalent function) and one proxy for each facility.

LENS Organisational Structure

  • Tuesday, October 22
    • 9:30 AM
      Arrival, Coffee (ILL4, Entrance Hall) ILL4/rdc ground floor-0 - Entrance Hall

      ILL4/rdc ground floor-0 - Entrance Hall


    • 1
      Meetings of the LENS working groups (Rooms to be defined)
    • 1:00 PM
      Lunchbreak canteen


    • 2
      Executive Board 4th floor - Room 427

      4th floor - Room 427


      1. Welcome, approval of agenda
      2. Reports from working groups 1-4, AHG
      3. SINE2020 Sustainability report
      4. Decisions ans proposals for GA
      5. IT, website, sharing documents
      6. Exchange with Observers and ENSA
      7. AOB
    • 4:00 PM
      Coffee break 4th floor

      4th floor


  • Wednesday, October 23
    • 8:30 AM
      Arrival, Coffee ILL4/rdc ground floor-0 - Entrance Hall

      ILL4/rdc ground floor-0 - Entrance Hall


    • 3
      Open meeting (GA members, ENSA, WG leaders, guests) 4th floor - Room 427

      4th floor - Room 427


      1. Reports from EB on planned activities :
        a. Presentation WG1
        b. Presentation WG2
        c. Presentation WG3
        d. Presentation WG4
        e. Presentation ad-hoc group CNS
      2. Presentation SINE2020 Sustainability Report
      3. Presentation from Maria/Poland
    • 10:45 AM
      Coffee break (ILL4, 4th floor) 4th floor

      4th floor


    • 4
      Plenary speech ILL4/rdc-1 - Amphi Chadwick

      ILL4/rdc-1 - Amphi Chadwick


      C. Alba-Simionesco/L. van Eijck (tbc)

    • 12:00 PM
      Lunchbreak Breakfast room (Guest House)

      Breakfast room

      Guest House

    • 5
      Internal meeting (only GA members of LENS facilities)13 4th floor - Room 427

      4th floor - Room 427


      1. Quorum, approval of agenda
      2. Discussion and decision; Internal Rules
      3. Discussion: Funding of LENS actions
      4. Discussion: Position paper for Horizon Europe
      5. Discussion and decision:
        a. Actions of WG1
        b. Actions of WG2
        c. Actions of WG3
        d. Actions of WG4
        e. Actions of ad-hoc group CNS
      6. Discussion: Planned upgrades at LENS facilities
      7. Discussion: LENS Observers
      8. AOB
    • 4:30 PM
      Coffee break ILL4/rdc ground floor-0 - Entrance Hall

      ILL4/rdc ground floor-0 - Entrance Hall
