Oct 10 – 13, 2022
Europe/Paris timezone

Charges and Guest House

Workshop Charges

The workshop charges amount to 200 € for regular participants and 150 € for students.

The charges cover meals at the EPN canteen, beverages served during session breaks and the conference dinner. If you do not wish or cannot participate in the workshop dinner please contact Confit2022@ill.fr.


EPN Guest House

The EPN Guest House is the ILL/ESRF on-site accommodation facility. 70 rooms are pre-reserved at a price of 17.20 €/night including breakfast for participants of the workshop.

Room booking will be carried out on a first-come-first-served basis via the CONFIT2022 registration page when activated.  However, note that we will give some preference for a limited number of rooms to students and try to waive the Guest House costs. Students can announce their interest to the workshop organizers at Confit2022@ill.fr.


Accommodation in Town

For an accommodation off site the EPN campus the participants are asked to book their hotel rooms themselves. A list of hotels near the Grenoble railway station can be found at the Accommodation page.

For your own protection, please do not make reservations through any unknown housing or travel company. If you receive a call or email from any company other than the ILL, please contact us at Confit2022@ill.fr.