7–11 Jun 2021
Europe/Paris timezone

ESA : Climate Change

10 Jun 2021, 14:30


Craig Donlon (European Space Agency)


Dr. Craig Donlon At the European Space Agency, ESA, Craig is the Principal Scientist for Oceans and Ice at the Earth Observation Programmes Directorate working as Mission Scientist for the Sentinel-3 and Sentinel-6 Missions. Prior to this, he worked in the Ocean Forecasting Division at the Met Office UK, the University of Colorado, USA as an Assistant Research Professor at the Colorado Center for Astrodynamics Research (CCAR) and at the European Commission Joint Research Centre Italy at the Institute for Environment and Sustainability. received a Ph.D. Oceanography (1994) Department of Oceanography, University of Southampton, UK and a B.Sc. First class (Hon) in 1998 at Department of Environmental Science, University of Lancaster.

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