The 7th EIROforum School of Instrumentation 2021

ILL4/rdc-1 - Amphi Chadwick (ILL4)

ILL4/rdc-1 - Amphi Chadwick


Jean Claude Biasci (ESRF), Joao Figueiredo (Euro Fusion), Markus Kuster (European XFEL), Paolo Mutti (ILL), Petra Riedler (CERN), Sebastien Egner (ESO), Thomas Schneider (EMBL), thibaut prod'homme (ESA)



The EIROforum School of Instrumentation (ESI) is a biennial event, jointly organized by the Instrumentation Working Group of the EIROforum organizations.

The objective of ESI is to teach the basic principles of instrumentation to young researchers (PhD students, postdocs) and engineers, mainly from the EIRO organizations. A fraction of the places are reserved for particularly talented (PhD) students from outside the EIRO organizations who work on instrumentation topics.

One day of the school is dedicated to our highlight topic : Handling crisis from pandemics to climate change with several guest-speakers to present their expertise and the contributions made by the scientific community in reaction to these crisis.

The sixth school (ESI 2019) was organized by the European Space Agency ESA and took place from 13-17 May 2019.

The scientific programme of ESI addresses all aspects of instrumentation related to the missions of the EIROforum organizations.

    • Registration and Welcome

      Welcoming the students to the ILL and ESRF.

      Conveners: Jean Claude Biasci (ESRF), Paolo Mutti (ILL)
    • CERN: Introduction - CERN
      Convener: Petra Riedler
    • EMBL: About EMBL
      Convener: Thomas Schneider
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        About EMBL
        Speaker: Thomas Schneider (EMBL)
    • 11:00 AM
      Coffee Break
    • ESA: Once explorers, always explorers Recent highlights from ESA's science and exploration programmes
      Convener: Mark McCaughrean (ESA)
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        Once explorers, always explorers Recent highlights from ESA's science and exploration programmes

        The European Space Agency's science and exploration missions have been much in the news in
        recent years, with exciting results from its Gaia Milky Way surveyor and other astronomical
        observatories, the decade-long adventure of the Rosetta comet-chasing spacecraft and its
        Philae lander, the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter at the Red Planet, and the launch of the
        international BepiColombo and Solar Orbiter missions to Mercury and the Sun, respectively.
        In this talk, I'll give you some insight into these missions and others in ESA's fleet, their
        challenges and scientific discoveries, and tell you what's coming next as we continue our
        exploration of the solar system and the wider Universe beyond. These include a new mission
        to Jupiter and new space telescopes spanning the electromagnetic spectrum, as well as
        preparations for humans to return to the Moon and travel beyond.

        Professor Mark McCaughrean is the Senior Advisor for Science and Exploration at the European
        Space Agency. He is also responsible for communicating results from ESA’s astronomy, heliophysics,
        planetary, and exploration missions to the scientific community and wider public. After studying
        at the University of Edinburgh, he worked at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, astronomical
        institutes in Tucson, Heidelberg, Bonn, and Potsdam, and the University of Exeter before joining
        ESA in 2009. His scientific research focuses on the formation of stars and their planetary
        systems, and he is an Interdisciplinary Scientist for the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope.
        He is the co-founder of Space Rocks, which celebrates space exploration and the art, music, and
        culture it inspires through public events and more.

        Speaker: Prof. Mark McCaughrean (ESA)
    • ESO: ESO and ground-based Astronomy
      Convener: Sebastien Egner (ESO)
    • 1:00 PM
    • ESRF: Photons and instrumentation
      Convener: Jean Claude Biasci (ESRF)
    • European XFEL: Introduction to EuXFEL
      Convener: Robert Feidenhans’l
    • EUROfusion: Nuclear Fusion - Measurements techniques and technologies for high temperature laboratory plasmas
      Convener: Joao Figueiredo
    • ILL: Neutrons and Instrumentation
      Convener: Paolo Mutti (ILL)
    • CERN: Micro Pattern Gas Detector technologies
      Convener: Eraldo Oliveri (CERN)
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        Micro Pattern Gas Detector technologies

        The lecture will introduce basic principles, concepts and design choices of gaseous detectors with a particular focus on Micro Pattern Gas Detector technologies. We will review properties and performances that make these technologies of interest in different research fields and applications. Examples of detectors in operation, new developments and pioneering researches will be presented and discussed during the lecture.

        Speaker: Eraldo Oliveri (CERN)
    • CERN: Silicon Trackers for High Energy Physics
      Convener: Duccio Abbaneo (CERN)
    • 10:30 AM
      Coffee Break
    • EMBL: Instrumentation, automation and standards in Structural Biology
      Convener: Gergely Papp
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        Instrumentation, automation and standards in Structural Biology

        EMBL Grenoble Instrumentation group works for decades for the benefit of structural biologist by developing high precision devices for automated sample preparation, sample transfer, and data-collection at synchrotrons. Gergely will present the evolution of machines since the very beginning of Macromolecular Crystallography (MX) at Synchrotrons until the latest developments, covering in addition devices for Small Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS) and Cryo-Electron Microscopy (Cryo-EM). A special emphasis will be put on why international standards are necessary, and how to connect research and industry.

        Speaker: Gergely Papp (EMBL)
    • EMBL
      Convener: Sarah Butcher (EMBL)
    • 12:30 PM
    • ESA: Instruments development and testing for the Solar Orbiter mission
      Convener: Anne Pacros (ESA)
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        Instruments development and testing for the Solar Orbiter mission

        The Solar Orbiter Spacecraft carries a unique combination of 10 scientific instruments towards the innermost regions of the Solar System. This talk presents the Solar Orbiter spacecraft and its intended trip around the Sun. It will then focus on the main engineering challenges that had to be addressed during the development cycle, integration and testing of the instruments.

        Speaker: Ms Anne Pacros (ESA)
    • ESA: Radiation effect sand hardness assurance for space electronics
      Convener: Christian Poivey (ESA)
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        Radiation effect sand hardness assurance for space electronics

        Survival and successful operations of space instrumentation in the space radiation environment cannot be ensured without careful consideration of the effects of radiation. The lecture will start with a presentation of the space environment. Then, after a short introduction of radiation effects in electronic parts the process of radiation hardness assurance for space instrument electronics will be presented step by step.

        Speaker: Mr Christian Poivey
    • 3:00 PM
      Coffee Break
    • ESO: Advanced Technology for Modern Radio telescopes
      Convener: Gie Han Tan (ESO)
    • ESO: Instrumentation for ground-based optical/IR astronomy
      Convener: Suzanne Ramsey (ESO)
    • ESRF: What Researchers need to know about Data Management for Open Science
      Convener: Andy Goetz (ESRF)
    • ESRF: X-ray Optics for Synchrotron Radiation Beamlines
      Convener: Raymond Barrett (ESRF)
    • 10:30 AM
      Coffee Break
    • ILL: Gas Detectors for Neutron Instrumentation at the ILL
      Convener: Bruno Guerard
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        Gas Detectors for Neutron Instrumentation at the ILL
        Speaker: Bruno Guerard
    • ILL: Neutron instrumentation for materials structure and dynamics investigation, fundamental and nuclear physics research: An overview from neutron source to science
      Convener: Charles Dewhurst (ILL)
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        Neutron instrumentation for materials structure and dynamics investigation, fundamental and nuclear physics research: An overview from neutron source to science

        A handful of neutron sources around the world provide beams of ’thermal’, ‘hot’ or ‘cold’ neutrons to dedicated and specifically tailored instrumentation for materials structure and dynamics investigation as well as providing a source of neutrons for fundamental and nuclear physics research. The production of neutrons for research instrumentation is for the most part limited to large-scale facilities requiring nuclear regulation, costly infrastructure and running costs. Access to facilities to use instrumentation is highly competitive, neutron beams are typically ‘weak’ compared to other sources of radiation for experimentation (e.g. X-rays) and the neutron interaction with matter can be weak or subtle. These considerations mean that neutron sources and associated instrumentation must be highly optimised in terms of neutron production, transport, optical devices, and detection with dedicated instruments tailored specifically for intensity, sensitivity and resolution in the domains of material length scale and/or energy transfer to best address scientific challenges across a broad range of material disciplines from physics, chemistry, magnetism, soft matter, biosciences and fundamental and nuclear physics. An overview of neutron instrumentation from neutron source to science will be presented with particular emphasis on the European neutron facility, the Institut Laue-Langevin in Grenoble, France.

        Speaker: Charles Dewhurst (ILL)
    • 12:30 PM
    • Virtual Visit of Instrument halls ILL/ESRF
      Conveners: Paolo Mutti (ILL), Yannick Lacaze
    • Presentation of student video clips
    • European XFEL: Potential of Artificial Intelligence at European XFEL
      Convener: Arman Davtyan (XFEL)
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        Potential of Artificial Intelligence at European XFEL
        Speaker: Arman Davtyan (XFEL)
    • European XFEL: Diagnostic instrumentation for characterizing the EuXFEL photon beam
      Convener: Jan Grünert (European XFEL)
    • 10:30 AM
      Coffee Break
    • EUROfusion: Measurements for anomaly detection: the case of diagnostics for disruption prediction in Tokamaks
      Convener: Andrea Murari (Eurofusion)
    • EUROfusion: European contributions to enhancements in JT-60SA
      Convener: Juan Ayllon-Guerola (Eurofusion)
    • 12:30 PM
    • Invited Speaker: Environmentally Responsible Research at CERN
      Convener: Sonja Kleiner (CERN HSE)
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        Environmentally Responsible Research at CERN

        CERN has always taken environmental considerations into account when designing and implementing new infrastructures. However, environmental priorities have evolved significantly over the last two decades and CERN adapts its infrastructure and associated activities accordingly. Anticipating future environmental concerns, including the prevention of environmental incidents, is the motivation behind CERN’s vision for environmentally responsible research.

        This talk will present how CERN is organized to manage and predict environmental issues, in particular linked to energy, greenhouse gas emissions, water, biodiversity and waste. Furthermore, the talk will highlight the current and future projects aimed at limiting the impact of the Organization on the environment.

        Speaker: Sonja Kleiner (CERN HSE)
    • Invited Speaker: ESA : Climate Change
      Conveners: Craig Donlon (European Space Agency), Michael Francois
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        ESA : Climate Change

        Dr. Craig Donlon At the European Space Agency, ESA, Craig is the Principal Scientist for Oceans and Ice at the Earth Observation Programmes Directorate working as Mission Scientist for the Sentinel-3 and Sentinel-6 Missions. Prior to this, he worked in the Ocean Forecasting Division at the Met Office UK, the University of Colorado, USA as an Assistant Research Professor at the Colorado Center for Astrodynamics Research (CCAR) and at the European Commission Joint Research Centre Italy at the Institute for Environment and Sustainability. received a Ph.D. Oceanography (1994) Department of Oceanography, University of Southampton, UK and a B.Sc. First class (Hon) in 1998 at Department of Environmental Science, University of Lancaster.

        Speaker: Craig Donlon (European Space Agency)
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    • 3:30 PM
      Coffee Break
    • Invited Speaker: Small angle scattering for large problems: how to fight diseases with X-Rays
      Convener: Andrey Gruzinov
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        Small angle scattering for large problems: how to fight diseases with X-Rays

        Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) is a powerful method in the studies of solutions of biological macromolecules and nanostructured systems allowing one to analyze the structure of native particles and complexes and to rapidly assess structural changes in response to variations in external conditions. Dedicated high brilliance synchrotron beamlines and novel data analysis methods [2] significantly enhanced resolution and reliability of the structural models provided by SAXS. Very important is the ability of SAXS to quantitatively characterise complicated systems and mixtures in native environments and to see the biomolecules in action by rapidly observing responses to changing physical and chemical conditions (e.g. upon pH or temperature changes, ligand binding etc).

        In the present talk, modern methods for SAXS data analysis will be presented and illustrated by applications to characterize vaccine delivery systems and to conduct screening experiments to tackle global pandemic crisis. Perspectives of the synergistic use of SAXS for integrative modeling utilizing complementary methods will be discussed.

        Speaker: Andrey Gruzinov (EMBL Hamburg)
    • How To Promote Your Research: How to Promote your Research
      Conveners: Barbara Ferreira (ESO), Giovanna Cicognani, Sarah Charley (CERN)
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        Welcome to Project Day

        Communication Science

        Speaker: Giovanna Cicognani
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        Introduction to science communication: why share your research - (Bárbara Ferreira, ESO)

        Science and everyday life are now more interconnected than ever. Communication is key to engage with different audiences, whether you want to inspire others or gain support for your research. This talk will look into the reasons why scientists and engineers should share their research with audiences beyond their peers, serving as an introduction to the science communication talks that will follow.

        Speaker: Barbara Ferreira (ESO)
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        Why people were on Facebook during your talk And other lessons in effective communication for scientists

        Words can inspire, enlighten and motivate; but they can also confuse, frustrate and bore. In this short training, you’ll learn how to connect with your audience and explain ideas so that they’re not just understood, but have a meaningful impact. Skills covered are:

        • Adapting communication goals and strategy to your target audience
        • Talking with people who have no idea what you’re talking about
        • Techniques to keep your audience’s interest and attention
        • Structuring information into a compelling (and memorable) story
        • Staying sharp in high-stress situations
        Speaker: Sarah Charley (CERN)
    • 11:10 AM
      Coffee Break
    • How To Promote Your Research
      Conveners: Delphine Chenevier (ESRF), Tamaryin Godinho (EMBL)
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        The pen is mightier than the pipette: writing to inform and engage (Tamaryin Godinho – Science in School)

        Writing is a powerful tool for communicating the importance of what you do. Publication, whether as an article or a blog post, allows you to reach a large audience over an extended time period. However, it can be challenging to engage non-specialist readers, and you only get once chance; if they stop reading, there is no getting them back. This talk will cover some of the most common science writing pitfalls and provide you with some tips and tricks to capture and hold your readers’ interest. And if you’re inspired to put these tips into practice, there are opportunities to submit an article for Science in School.

        Speaker: Tamaryin Godinho
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        Press, social media: how to deal with it.

        Your research/project is finally out? Congratulations! But, let’s not forget that the research publication is not the end of the process, but the beginning of another one, also important: communication. Mastering communication, and all communications tools, especially media and digital tools, is now crucial to promote your research. This talk aims to give you some tips to optimise the promotion of your research/project in the press and on social media.

        Speaker: Delphine Chenevier (ESRF)
    • 12:20 PM
    • Presentation of student video clips: Best Scientific Video Clip - Prizegiving