Invited Speaker: Environmentally Responsible Research at CERN
- Sonja Kleiner (CERN HSE)
Invited Speaker: ESA : Climate Change
- Craig Donlon (European Space Agency)
- Michael Francois
Invited Speaker: Small angle scattering for large problems: how to fight diseases with X-Rays
- Andrey Gruzinov
Dr. Craig Donlon At the European Space Agency, ESA, Craig is the Principal Scientist for Oceans and Ice at the Earth Observation Programmes Directorate working as Mission Scientist for the Sentinel-3 and Sentinel-6 Missions. Prior to this, he worked in the Ocean Forecasting Division at the Met Office UK, the University of Colorado, USA as an Assistant Research Professor at the Colorado Center...
Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) is a powerful method in the studies of solutions of biological macromolecules and nanostructured systems allowing one to analyze the structure of native particles and complexes and to rapidly assess structural changes in response to variations in external conditions. Dedicated high brilliance synchrotron beamlines and novel data analysis methods [2]...