30 January 2023 to 3 February 2023
Europe/Paris timezone
New version of FullProf available on the FullProf page web!!!!

Scientific scope:

FPSchool aims to contribute to the training of scientists in treatment of X-ray and neutron diffraction data.The school is based on intensive hands-on sessions using the computer programs of the FullProf Suite.

The lectures and tutorials will provide the essential tools necessary for an efficient use of the FullProf Suite at an intermediate level. In addition to general applications, the new features on material science data analysis and magnetic structure determination and refinement will be given particular attention.

The 2023 FPSchool will take place at the Institut Laue-Langevin, in Grenoble, from 30 January to 3 February 2023.


The school will be dedicated to the study of magnetics structures using the FullProf Suite and external applications as the Bilbao Crystallographic Server and ISODISTORT.

There are different theoretical modules plus a large number of hands-on sessions for which each participant should bring his/her own laptop with the FullProf Suite already installed.


The school is intended for PhD students and experienced scientists with a sound knowledge on diffraction techniques and magnetic crystallography.