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16–18 Oct 2023
Europe/Paris timezone


The 25th anniversary workshop of canSAS will be held in Grenoble from Monday 16th - Wednesday 18th October 2023.

The acronym canSAS stands for collective action for nomadic Small Angle Scatterers. It is a bottom-up effort originally initiated in Grenoble by Ron Ghosh (ILL), Roland May (ILL), Claudio Ferrero (ESRF) and Wim Bras (DUBBLE CRG) in 1998. Ever since it has been an ongoing activity to provide the small-angle scattering user community with shared tools for data reduction and analysis, and disseminating other pertinent information (https://www.cansas.org).
Lately the focus has been on data analysis and modeling software, instrument resolution corrections and other issues related to data interpretation.

The last formal workshop was held in Freising, Germany in 2019
(https://www.cansas.org/wgwiki/index.php/canSAS-XI). The following meeting planned in Delaware could not be organized due to the pandemic. This workshop will be useful in particular for instrument scientists and users who are deeply involved in development of new software tools or methods.


The following topics are expected to be covered during the workshop:

  • ML based SAS data analysis
  • Emerging sample environments and methods
  • SAS based imaging (tensor tomography, USAS imaging, ptychography, CXDI, etc.)
  • Simultaneous SANS/SAXS fits, AI based methods for data collection and data mining, Refraction/Reflection effects)
  • Needs and developments of analysis programs
  • Background corrections, anisotropic scattering, fiber diffraction)
  • Open access, open data, enhancing collaboration between facilities worldwide

    We would like to extend our thanks to sas2024 for supporting our event.