Magnetic thin films and interfaces: Magnetic thin films and interfaces
- Thomas Saerbeck (Institut Laue Langevin)
Topological states, potentially leading to the formation of Majorana fermions, have been predicted to emerge in heterostructures of an s-wave superconductor (SU) and a semiconductor (SE) with substantial spin orbit coupling and a split band structure [1,2]. Incorporation of ferromagnetic materials, such as ferromagnetic insulators (FMI), into the heterostructures constitutes a promising route...
Their exceptional chemical and magnetic properties together with their biocompatibility and wide availability make Fe$_\text{x}$O$_\text{y}$ nanostructures and nanoparticles a common basis for catalysts, magneto-electric elements, nanoscale building blocks in material science and tracers for magnetic particle imaging [1,2,3,4]. For Fe$_\text{x}$O$_\text{y}$ nanoparticles in medical...
What can we learn if we apply the guiding question ‘What if we did the opposite?’ to science and instrumentation scenarios?
Understanding magnetism at the interface of exotic thin film layers of topological material (e.g. BiTe) or altermagnets (e.g. MnTe) is a requirement for their adoptialtermagnetsle technology. The average magnetism in these films is small and often can be...