13–14 Nov 2024
Europe/Paris timezone


You are eligible for return travel from your laboratory and a 1 meal at 25 euros (the evening of your arrival), the rest of your meals will be paid for directly by the ILL. You can also submit any transport tickets that you have purchased for travel between your hotel and the ILL. 

To submit a reimbursement claim please click on the following link: https://travelvisitors.ill.fr/ <https://travelvisitors.ill.fr/>.

You can connect using the same credentials for your User Club account (https://userclub.ill.eu/ <https://userclub.ill.eu/>).

You will only be able to create and submit a reimbursement claim after the last day of your visit. 

Details of your stay will then appear on the home page where a reimbursement claim can be created by clicking on the button "+ Add Expense" on the right hand side. Here you can enter information on any travel costs occurred, attaching the corresponding receipts in PDF format only.

If you encounter any issues with your reimbursement claim, please contact the User Office.