Jul 17 – 21, 2023
Europe/Paris timezone



The Proceedings of the CGS17 will be published via EPJ Web of Conferences. All published contributions to the CGS17 proceedings will be available online as open access. For a paper version of the proceedings we need to generate a request of at least 80 exemplars. An according email allowing people to submit their request will be sent after the peer review process. 

We invite all conference contributers to publish. The peer-review process is done amongst conference participants. The submission and peer review processes will be handled via EPJ system SAGA (see below and front page of CGS17). In order to keep reviewing and editing process managable we invite you to write your contribution according to the following page limits:

  • Invited oral presentation: 5 pages
  • Contributed oral presentation: 4 pages
  • Poster presentation: 3 pages

Instructions and documents for your contribution:

Instructions for submmission:

The submission is done via the online production tracking system of EPJ Conferences SAGA, which can be found under the following link: 


In a first step every submitting author has to register to the CGS17 event (even if you were using SAGA for other conferences before). You will be guided in a step by step process through the submission. During the submission you will be asked to select a section for your topic. We have prepared section according to the main topics of the CGS series. If you find any problems with the submission please contact us.

A PDF version with detailed instructions on how to register within the system, how to prepare your submission and how to control status of your submission are given on the front page of the CGS17 webpage (right upper corner) as download.

We target the following time lines for publications:

  • Submission deadline: October 31 2023
  • Review Process: until the end of 2023
  • Publication: First quarter 2024