Mar 14 – 17, 2023
Europe/Paris timezone

The 22nd congress of the French Membrane Group (GEM) will be held for the first time in the French Alps from 14th to 17th March 2023 at the Escandille Village Vacances, Autrans. It is part of a series started in 1987 as GEIMM.

GEM brings together researchers, biologists, biochemists, biophysicists, physicists and chemists interested in biological phenomena associated with membranes at all levels, from the organ to the molecule.

The meeting will focus on the structure, dynamics and function of membranes and will be locally organised by researchers from different institutes situated in Grenoble where several well-known European and national research facilities are located.  

The GEM conference covers the following topics:

  • Structural biology
  • Host-pathogen interactions
  • Nanomedecine
  • Computational methods
  • Molecular interactions at the membrane surface
  • Interaction lipids/polymers/membrane proteins
  • Glycobiology

Please note that all abstract submissions received after 15th January 2023 will only be considered as poster submissions

Final registration (and payment) deadline January 31st, 2023.

GEM is a thematic group of the SFB (Societé Francaise de Biophysique).

All participants are highly encouraged to become members of the SFB (Societé Francaise de Biophysique) and GEM in order to attend the GEM conference, in view of the strong financial support of the SFB and the GEM (thesis prize, poster prizes, financial support of the GEM congress, biophysics support at European and National level).

You can become a member for 2023 at the following link  :

Please choose the option "plein tarif + GEM" for €50 (10€ GEM + €40 SFB)

Please note: Membership is free for students for 2023, but you still need to sign up on the site and choose the "0€" option

We would like to thank the following sponsors for supporting our event:
(for more information on sponsorship please click  on the "Sponsors" tab on the menu on the left hand side)

A special thank you to our Platinum sponsors:




our Gold sponsors:


And our Silver sponsors:


931 Rte de la Sure, 38880 Autrans-Méaudre en Vercors