Session 16
- Ronald Schwengner
A multipole expansion of electromagnetic fields shows that besides the well-known electric and magnetic terms a toroidal dipole mode must exist, where the electric current is bent on the surface of a torus (1). Such modes appear in a wide variety of fields ranging from solid-state physics, quantum and nonlinear optics, to particle physics and astronomy. A toroidal electric mode should also...
The heaviest nuclei around the N = Z line offer new insights into the coexistence phenomena and the fundamental
symmetries. These exotic nuclei are of particular interest due to the open questions concerning the nature of the
observed isomers, the irregularities in the excitation spectra, and their feeding by the $\beta$ decay of the
neighboring nuclei. We investigated the evolution of shape...
Configuration mixing and quantum phase transitions in odd-mass nuclei around $^{100}$Zr
J.-M. Régis$^1$, A. Pfeil$^1$, J. Jolie$^1$, A. Esmaylzadeh$^1$, L. Knafla$^1$, M. Ley$^1$, U. Köster$^2$, Y. H. Kim$^2$, N. Gavrielov$^3$ and K. Nomura$^4$
1: IKP, Universität zu Köln, Zülpicher Str. 77, 50937 Köln, Germany
2: ILL, 71 avenue des Martyrs CS 20156, 38042 Grenoble Ceknomura@phy.hrdex 9,...
Lifetimes of the $2_1^+$, $4_1^+$, $6_1^+$, $2_{\gamma}^+$ and $3_{\gamma}^+$ states in $^{104,106}$Ru were measured using the recoil-distance Doppler shift technique and the Cologne Plunger device [1]. Low-lying excited states in both nuclei were populated in a $^{104}$Ru($^{18}$O, $^{18}$O\textquotesingle)$^{104}$Ru* inelastic scattering and in a $^{104}$Ru($^{18}$O, $^{16}$O)$^{106}$Ru...
Nuclear shape coexistence occurs when an atomic nucleus exhibits low-lying excited states with dramatically different shapes than the ground state [1]. Electric monopole (E0) transitions are a particularly sensitive probe of shape coexistence with the E0 transition strength directly related to the change in the mean square charge radius and degree of mixing between two states.
The concept of isospin has been introduced to explain the apparent exchange symmetry between protons and neutrons. However, if the nuclear force were the same for neutrons and protons properties such as excitation energies and masses would depend only on the mass number A. Naturally, the Coulomb force will break this degeneracy, although the underlying wave functions are expected to retain...
Single-particle motion and nuclear collectivity are the two extremes which have shaped our understanding of the dynamics for the nuclear many-body system. A suitable region for studying the evolution of the nuclear states with the number of valence nucleons from single-particle configurations towards multiconfigurational mixture are the neutron-deficient Po isotopes in the vicinity of the...
As basic building blocks of matter, nuclei show some emergent collective behavior across isotopic and isobaric chains and are known to be deformed in shape in regions of the chart of nuclides away from closed shell. One mode of collective behavior is the existence of vibrational degrees of freedom superimposed on rotational and is one of the open questions in nuclear structure physics today....
Nuclear moments are an important ingredient of our knowledge and understanding of the nuclear structure far from the beta-stability line. The nuclear magnetic moments are very sensitive probes of the single particle structure of the nuclei where the investigated states provide information on valence nucleons occupancy and on configuration mixing. They can serve as a test of the purity of their...