Christian Chatry
Dan Alexandrescu
(IROC Technologies)
Ennio Capria
(IRT Nanoelec PAC-G)
Françoise Bezerra
Gerald Soelkner
Jerome Beaucour (animator)
(Institut Laue-Langevin)
Jochen Kuhnhenn
(Fraunhofer INT)
Ruben Garcia Alia
This expert panel will focus on the access modes and organisational aspects of facilities. The convergence between industrial and academic needs in the use of these large-scale facilities will be addressed.
Recommendations for facilitating and strengthening successful cooperation between industry (radiation testing) users and research facilities will be drawn from these discussions.
Primary author
Jerome Beaucour (animator)
(Institut Laue-Langevin)
Christian Chatry
Dan Alexandrescu
(IROC Technologies)
Ennio Capria
(IRT Nanoelec PAC-G)
Françoise Bezerra
Gerald Soelkner
Jochen Kuhnhenn
(Fraunhofer INT)
Ruben Garcia Alia