The theme 'indico-weeks-view' does not exist.

Radiation effects in semiconductor devices have come to play a major role in the performance and reliability of today’s electronics. Several reliability questions also arise from new applications (such as self-driving cars, nanosatellites, medical implants etc.). As the demand for radiation hardness testing is on the rise, the availability of radiation facilities providing industrial access to perform these tests seems to be decreasing. Traditional testing methodologies also seem to be limited in face of new semiconductor technologies.

The G-RAD workshop aims to put together testing facilities and radiation experts and stakeholders from industry and academia to stimulate discussion on current and future needs in radiation hardness testing and evaluate limitations of available radiation facilities and possible evolutions.

This two day workshop will take place digitally on December 9th and 10th 2020.


  1. Map existing and emerging needs from the industry, identify trends and new markets
  2. Assess technical limitations in the existing radiation facilities, gather requirements and propose improvements
  3. Evaluate the current offer – demand and ways to enhance user-facility relationship.

Technical topics

This workshop will focus on the limitations and possible improvements of facilities providing access to radiation testing and on emerging needs from the radiation user community. In particular, it will focus on:

  • Trends in semiconductor technologies, system integration solutions and electronics architectures as well as the resulting demands on radiation hardness testing and quality assurance methods
  • New and established technical installations for radiation testing and future needs.
  • Case studies of radiation testing workflows for innovative technologies
  • Innovation in radiation sensitivity assessment methods
  • Progress in developments of new diagnostics tools and testing solutions

Target audience

  • Companies providing or using radiation testing services and consultancy
  • Facilities and research infrastructures providing access to users in the field of radiation testing.
  • Academics working in the field of radiation effects on semiconductors
  • Organizations involved in the standardisation of testing methods and workflows

Desired Outcomes

Our goal is to gather requirements on the technical and organizational levels for facilities providing radiation testing. We would like to produce a work document at the end of this workshop to be shared among participants, including:

  • Results of polls and surveys answered during the event
  • Technical Description and specifications of facilities present at the event and access modes
  • Main conclusions of these 2 days, including discussions from the technical sessions
  • List of limitations and requirements for facilities (framework to be defined)



If you need any additional information on the program, participants or exhibitors please contact Ennio Capria or Caroline Boudou.