Jul 10 – 12, 2023
Europe/Paris timezone

ILL 2023 program and long shutdown activities

Jul 10, 2023, 1:10 PM
ILL4/rdc-1 - Amphi Chadwick (ILL4)

ILL4/rdc-1 - Amphi Chadwick



Jerome Beaucour


In 2020, the ILL launched the multiannual ILL20-23 programme, which combines a major upgrade of the instrument suite (Endurance) with additional security and safety improvements for the reactor operations. ILL20-23 has been conducted based on a master resource-loaded programme schedule for coordinating instrumentation work and reactor activities during long shutdowns, whilst securing a maximum number of reactor cycles.
We will present the program organisation and way of operating as well as the work achieved during the most recent 2021-2022 long reactor shutdown period, a crucial part of the ILL20-23 programme. Dozens of ILL employees have indeed been involved in what has been a particularly intense period. The work has called for concerted efforts and goodwill of ILL staff within the Projects and Techniques (DPT), Reactor (DRe) and the Science Division (DS) and the Administration division.
As a result, the H1H2 long shutdown has been completed in line with its forecasted 16-month duration and on budget, leading to unpreceeding reliability and safety levels of its neutron reactor, the delivery of a fully modernised H24 guide, the primary part of the future H15 guides as well as a number of new world-class instruments now in operation.

Presentation materials