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- Mina Akhyani (EPFL, Switzerland)
- Jerome Beaucour
- Thierry Bigault
- Jens Birch (Linköping University)
- Sophie BOUAT (Science-S.A.V.E.D.)
- Junyang Cheng
- Pierre Courtois
- Skyler Degenkolb
- Charles Dewhurst (ILL)
- Cornelis Doorenbos (Paul Scherrer Institute)
Andreas Freund
- Speaker at Hybrid neutron monochromator systems
Yasuhiro Fuwa
(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
- Speaker at Neutron Mirror with Magnetic Repulsive Wall
- Roland Gähler
- benjamin giroud
- Dmitry Gorkov (University of Cologne / FRMII)
- Kyle Grammer (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
- Cameron Hart (Oak Ridge National Laboratories)
- Christoph Hauf (MLZ)
- Christoph HERB (TUM/MLZ)
- Sohei Imajo (Osaka University)
- Yoshihisa Iwashita (Kyoto University)
- Ioannis Katsioulas (European Spallation Source)
- Sarah Kelleher
- KI-Yeon KIM (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)
- Michael Kreuz (Institut Laue-Langevin)
- Stan Lee (ANSTO)
- Klaus Lieutenant (Forschungszentrum Jülich)
- Zsolt Ludanyi (Mirrotron Ltd.)
- Marton Marko (Centre for Energy Research)
- Thomas Miller (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
- Kenji Mishima (KEK)
- Pratyush Patel (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)
- Adrien Perrichon
- Irina Popova (ORNL)
- Hansdieter Schweiger (European Spallation Source)
- Abdullah Shehada (National Research Tomsk Polytechnic university)
- Veres Tamas
- Peter Torres (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
- Kenan Unlu (Penn State University)
- Richard Wagner
- Paul Zakalek
Luca Zanini
- Speaker at The ESS moderators
- Lukas Zavorka