Session 9: Advanced Concepts 2
- Yoshihisa Iwashita (Kyoto University)
- Ioannis Katsioulas (European Spallation Source)
- Yasuhiro Fuwa (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
- Lukas Zavorka
Advanced Concepts 2
Ioannis Katsioulas
(European Spallation Source)
12/07/2023, 11:10
Lukas Zavorka
12/07/2023, 11:30
Yasuhiro Fuwa
(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
12/07/2023, 11:50
Yoshihisa Iwashita
(Kyoto University)
12/07/2023, 12:10
Magnetic lenses have been developed for neutron beam transport. When the spin is parallel to the magnetic field, the neutron beam is focused by a sextupole magnet due to the magnetic dipole moment of the neutrons. On the other hand, the rest of the neutron beam is defocused. We are developing a powerful permanent magnet type sextupole lens which enables focal length modulation in...