Mar 15 – 18, 2020
Asia/Jerusalem timezone

Neutron scattering, the irregular dispersal of free neutrons by matter, is a well-established analytical technique for investigating materials practiced at large scale research facilities such as reactors and spallation neutron sources. It is regularly applied in the fields of crystallography, medicine, materials physics and materials science, physical chemistry, biophysics and more, and is used for both academic and industrial research and development. While Israeli researchers have an excellent reputation for their use of x-ray scattering (a technique highly complementary to neutron scattering) in synchrotron facilities worldwide, the use of neutrons by the Israeli research community is far more limited.     

The main goal of this seminar is to increase the knowledge, visibility and opportunities of neutrons to the Israeli academic community, and promote innovative multidisciplinary research with neutrons, hence the meeting will be open to all Israeli institutions. We focus on encouraging graduate students, postdoctoral and faculty members from diverse communities e.g., magnetism, physics, biology or soft condensed matter to participate. The seminar is an opportunity for younger scientists and students to learn how neutrons can be used to investigate the structure and dynamics of a broad range of materials.

EU flag This event is an initiative of BrightnESS², a European Union project within the European Commission's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under grant agreement N°823867. Brightness² logo
EU flag This event is an initiative of FILL2030, a European Union project within the European Commission's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under grant agreement N°731096.

FILL2030 logo


Kibbutz Ein Gedi, M.P. Dead Sea 8698000 Israel