Oct 16 – 22, 2022
Institut Laue Langevin
Europe/Paris timezone
Registration is now CLOSED and the payment deadline has passed. Abstract submission is now ALSO CLOSED.

Call for Abstracts

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline

Deadline for abstract submission was Sunday 4 September 2022.

If you are an invited speaker for either the School or Conference part, or you would like to make an oral presentation during the Conference part, you need to submit your abstract no later than the deadline of Sunday 4 September 2022, so that we can include your abstract in the official Abstracts Booklet.

In the abstract submission window (link for submission at the bottom of this page), you should provide a title and the abstract content. Please, be sure to indicate your preferred contribution type:

  • oral presentation (i.e. short talk)
  • poster presentation
  • oral or poster
  • invited talk (only if we have invited you for a presentation)

Description of contribution formats:

  • Oral (short talk): 20 min talk + 5 min questions
  • Poster: vertical A0, which is about 840 mm wide x 1190 mm high.

When entering names of (co-)authors in the abstract submission window, you can click on either the "Search" button to find authors that already have Indico accounts, or click on the "Enter manually" button to enter other authors. You must enter at least the main author/speaker. If you want to add co-authors, note that you must first enter them as an "author", and then you can click on the gear symbol to the right of a given author's name in order to move him/her to the co-authors list.

The call for abstracts is closed.