Oct 16 – 22, 2022
Institut Laue Langevin
Europe/Paris timezone
Registration is now CLOSED and the payment deadline has passed. Abstract submission is now ALSO CLOSED.

Invited speakers

ADD2022 School invited speakers:

Simon Billinge, Columbia University and BNL, USA

Daniel Bowron, ISIS, UK

Emil Bozin, BNL, USA

Benjamin Frandsen, Brigham Young University, USA

Reinhard Neder, Universität Erlangen, D

Joe Paddison, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA

Phil Salmon, Bath University, UK

Arkadiy Simonov, ETH Zürich, CH

Wojciech Slawinksi, University of Warsaw, PL

Songsheng Tao, Columbia University, USA

Max Terban, Max Planck Institute Stuttgart, DE

Matt Tucker, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA

Tristan Youngs, ISIS, UK


ADD2022 Conference invited speakers:

Alejandro Fernández Martínez, CNRS Grenoble, FR

Ellen Fogh, EPFL Lausanne, CH

Andrew Goodwin, Oxford University, UK

Dave Keen, ISIS, UK

Tomas Northam de la Fuente, Royal Holloway University of London, UK

Ella Schmidt, Universität Bremen, DE

Max Terban, Max Planck Institute Stuttgart, DE

Mirijam Zobel, RWTH Aachen, DE