Nov 28 – 29, 2019
Europe/Paris timezone

Partners of CARAC 2019

Meet our partners!

CARAC 2019 is also a moment to increase your network. Thanks to European Horizon 2020 projects, you can have access to European funding for your R&D project to access our facilities. Our institutes are ideal partners for your European HORIZON 2020 projects.

NFFA-Europe: providing industry and academics with free access to the widgets range of nanoscale research tools. Responsable: Cecile Girardot


CalipsoPlusCALIPSOplus: removes barriers that prevent access to world-class light sources. CALIPSOplus provides funding for SMEs and academics to access light sources in Europe and the Middle East.
Responsable : Christian Pazos Garcia


EARIV.euEARIV – European Analytical Research Infrastructures Village
The EARIV is a joint initiative lead by a set of transnational and regional initiatives that contribute to guarantee to european industry an integrated and coordinated access to ARIs, in sinergy with european universities and research centers and through a profound integration with local ecosystems.


IRT Nanoelec
IRT Nanoelec brings together partners from the public and private sectors to conduct groundbreaking research and development in information and communication technologies, and more specifically, micro and nanoelectronics. The competitiveness-enhancing innovations developed at IRT Nanoelec are transferred directly to businesses—especially small and mid-sized businesses—in all industries.














Industrial Partners